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Our Double Twisted yarns


Worsted spinning requires operations that transform the fibrous mass that has previously been parallelized, stretched and, with combing, purified both from the vegetable parts and from the short fibers into roving. Spinning itself is the final stage of processing which has the purpose of twisting the wick so as to give it the required characteristics of resistance, elasticity and fineness. The yarn thus obtained is subjected to twisting, an operation which has the purpose of combining and twisting several yarns together, transforming them into twisted, larger and more resistant ones.


From what was analyzed in the benchmark it was noted that 97% of the fabrics taken into consideration are designed in such a way as to have only one twisted element (warp) while the weft element is mainly simple, that is to say with a single garment. The reason for this design choice is the need to have a much more resistant yarn in the warp to withstand the stresses it is subjected to in the weaving phase. The weft element, on the other hand, does not require particular resistance as it is subjected to less stress.


It is therefore common practice to use a yarn of relative "lower quality and performance" in one of the elements making up the fabric.


Despite these widespread habits, in the design of the Super 150's Merino Extra Capsule Fun  it was decided to use twisted yarn both in the warp and in the weft in order to significantly improve the performance, quality and perceived value of the fabric produced.


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